Offspring 2020
Skærgårdens Easy To Love
Easy To Love really is easy to love, as she has the the most adorable sweet look with her big eyes and her ponyface. She is the prototype of a typical connemarafoal with an impressive depth and strong hard bones.
Furthermore, she is very correct with nice front and an extremely great motor! She presents herself in a beautiful way, and shows three tre spacious and rhytmic movements with a surplus of elastic and up-hill tendency. We are looking forward to seeing her develop, and we are pretty sure that she will contribute with phenomenal experiences in the future!
- Classwinner and "Premium foal" at Pferdestammbuch Schleswig-Holstein foalshow
- CHAMPIONFOAL at DCPS show 2020, awarded with the notes 9,5 for type and 9,5 for overall impression!

Skærgårdens Easy To Love
"Præmieføl" og Championføl 2020
Tullanna Cormack |
Drumbad Fletcher Moss |
Frederiksminde Hazy Match |
Hazy Dawn |
Øxenholm Mandy |
Rose Grey Abbey |
Oisin |
Cailin Mac Nought |
Tullanna Lady |
Currachmore Cashel |
Rosenaharley Rowley |
Tolka Bridge |
Tara |
Cloonisle Cashel |
Brown Heath |
Skærgårdens Dream Of Love |
Wirtsmühle Delaney's |
Diamond Shamrock |
Diamond Rum |
Marena |
Nørlunds Primrose |
Lærkens Cascade Dawn |
Nørlunds Pretty Woman |
Enghøjs Red Scarlet |
Coosheen Finnegan |
Coosheen Finn |
Ganty Gina |
Enghøjs Lovely Lauren |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Enghøjs Queenie |
Skærgårdens Bring Me Love
This beautiful fillyfoal is the first offspring from our former class 1 stallion Skærgårdens Dark Night, who now lives in France, and she looks stunning! Bring Me Love moves like somone wanting to show off in the dressage arena, and we are very pleased with her. She will be so much fun to see under sadle in some years.
"Premium foal" at Pferdestammbuch Schleswig-Holstein foalshow 2020

2 days old
Skærgårdens Dark Night |
Wirtsmühle Delaney's |
Diamond Shamrock |
Diamond Rum |
Marena |
Nørlunds Primrose |
Lærkens Cascade Dawn |
Nørlunds Primadonna |
Barholts Evita |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Hazy Dawn |
Øxenholm Mandy |
Barholts Madonna |
Lærkens Catch Me |
Barholts Rosaleen |
Skærgårdens Electric Love |
Sternbergs Larry Jr. |
El Larry II |
Lobeeen Larry |
Grey Rock Star 2nd |
Snowfly |
Skatholm Ladykiller |
Sue |
Bechs Butterfly |
Innellan Kestrel |
Spinway Comet |
Abbeyleix Swan |
Skovlundegård Buddleia |
Øxenholm Marble Jr. |
Øxenholm Buttercup |
Skærgårdens Wild To Night
This colt is exceptional with the right attitude to topsport and hopefully a carrier as a stallion. He carries himself with confidence and a surplus of charm, and he likes to show off his amazing movenemts!
He is out of one of the strongest performancelines in Denmark with multiple Grand Prix ponies, and the sire is from one of the strongest showwinning lines in Ireland, which hopefully will unite performance and show in the perfect combination.
- CLASSWINNER of the coltfoals and furthermore awarded with the "Premium foal" title at Pferdestammbuch Schleswig-Holstein foalshow 2020

Villy i fremvisning til følshow, hvor han med overflod af charme viste sig selvsikkert frem!
Tullanna Cormack |
Drumbad Fletcher Moss |
Frederiksminde Hazy Match |
Hazy Dawn |
Øxenholm Mandy |
Rose Grey Abbey |
Oisin |
Cailin Mac Nought |
Tullanna Lady |
Currachmore Cashel |
Rosenaharley Rowley |
Tolka Bridge |
Tara |
Cloonisle Cashel |
Brown Heath |
Enghøjs Red Scarlet |
Coosheen Finnegan |
Coosheen Finn |
Carna Bobby |
Finola of Leam |
Ganty Gina |
Doon Paddy |
Ganty Jane II |
Enghøjs Lovely Lauren |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Hazy Dawn |
Øxenholm Mandy |
Enghøjs Queenie |
Øxenholm Godot Øxenholm Godot |
Majgaardens Golden Pear |
Skærgårdens Nature Of Love
This lovely filly is such a sweetheart, gentle and with a pure heart. Furthermore, she is very good moving with lots of elastics and a huge scope. We are looking forward to seeing her develope for the next few years!
"Premium foal" at Pferdestammbuch Schleswig-Holstein foalshow 2020
Skærgårdens Dark Night |
Wirtsmühle Delaney's |
Diamond Shamrock |
Diamond Rum |
Marena |
Nørlunds Primrose |
Lærkens Cascade Dawn |
Nørlunds Pretty Woman |
Barholts Evita |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Hazy Dawn |
Øxenholm Mandy |
Barholts Madonna |
Lærkens Catch Me |
Barholts Rosaleen |
Cleggan Cherry |
Kippure Columbus |
Frederiksminde Hazy Merlin |
Hazy Dawn |
Øxenholm Movie Star |
Kippure Sunset |
Abbeyleix Owen |
Creemully Dawn |
Black Cherry |
Glenayre Mystical Bobby |
Ashfield Bobby Sparrow |
Glenayre Mystical Lady |
Cherry Kim |
Sarsfield |
Bontrough Cherry |
Skærgårdens Meet Me To Night
This beautiful coltfoal has without a doubt a great future ahead of him, he is a rising star! He only touches the ground of courtesy, and show so much scope! Meet Me is out of some of the strongest danish dressagelines, and both sire and dam has achieved amazing results.
Besides his beautiful appearance he is sweet, mild and gentle!
Meet Me is awarded with the "Premium foal" title at Pferdestammbuch Schleswig-Holstein foalshow 2020
In October 2020 he is sold to Germany as a stallionprospect.
Wirtsmühle Delaney's |
Diamond Shamrock |
Diamond Rum |
Carna Dun |
Glenlo Biddy |
Marena |
May Prince |
Mary |
Nørlunds Primrose |
Lærkens Cascade Dawn |
Hazy Dawn |
Lærkens Camille |
Nørlunds Pretty Woman |
Øxenholm Chess |
Lykkesholm Parma |
Skærgårdens Magic Love |
Marvel van Graaf Janshof |
Carna Gold |
Carna Dun |
Carrowbawn Colleen |
Ballydonagh Deirdre |
Carna Bobby |
Cashel Kate |
Bechs Butterfly |
Innellan Kestrel |
Spinway Comet |
Abbeyleix Swan |
Skovlundegård Buddleia |
Øxenholm Marble Jr. |
Øxenholm Buttercup |
Skærgårdens Clifden By Night
Extremely beautiful coltfoal, who without a doubt will be the perfect showpony! He has a surplus of charm, and is a real SHOWMAN! He carries himself elegantly, and with the right attitude to work. Furthermore, he is kind and curious towards people, and likes to cuddle and a good scratch.
He is in February 2021 sold to a lovely home.
- "Premium foal" at Pferdestammbuch Schleswig-Holstein foalshow 2020
- CLASSWINNER and Reserve Championfoal at DCPS Show 2020, awarded with amongst others 9 for type, 9 for movement and 9 for overall impression!

Tullanna Cormack |
Drumbad Fletcher Moss |
Frederiksminde Hazy Match |
Hazy Dawn |
Øxenholm Mandy |
Rose Grey Abbey |
Oisin |
Cailin Mac Nought |
Tullanna Lady |
Currachmore Cashel |
Rosenaharley Rowley |
Tolka Bridge |
Tara |
Cloonisle Cashel |
Brown Heath |
Skærgårdens Do It For Love |
Wirtsmühle Delaney's |
Diamond Shamrock |
Diamond Rum |
Marena |
Nørlunds Primrise |
Lærkens Cascade Dawn |
Nørlunds Pretty Woman |
Skærgårdens Secret Love |
Marvel van Graaf Janshof |
Carna Gold |
Ballydonagh Deirdre |
Barholts Evita |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Barholts Madonna |
Skærgårdens Evita's Love
This beautiful filly is the last foal of our foundation mare Evita, and we couldn't be happier for her to be a filly! Something we have wished for for sooo long. She carries valuable genes, and can contribute with so much in our future breedingprogramme. She is very special to us and our breeding and we will do our best to manage this much quality the best possible way!
Wirtsmühle Delaney's |
Diamond Shamrock |
Diamond Rum |
Carna Dun |
Glenlo Biddy |
Marena |
May Prince |
Mary |
Nørlunds Primrose |
Lærkens Cascade Dawn |
Hazy Dawn |
Lærkens Camille |
Nørlunds Pretty Woman |
Øxenholm Chess |
Lykkesholm Parma |
Barholts Evita |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Hazy Dawn |
Dale Haze |
Castle Park |
Øxenholm Mandy |
Marble |
Sally Maree |
Barholts Madonna |
Lærkens Catch Me |
Øxenholm Marble Jr. |
Lærkens Camille |
Barholts Rosaleen |
Øxenholm Markbook |
Kærvangs Ditte |